Matrix & Rubrics
Focus on story/article
Student is lost in the story. There's no looking around or flipping through the pages.
Student seems to be enjoying and moving through the story, but takes some short breaks.
Student seems to be reading the story, but doesn't seem to be very interested. Takes a few short breaks.
Pretends to read the story. Mostly looks around or fiddles with things.
Understands story elements
Student knows the title of the story as well as the names and descriptions of the important characters. Can tell approximately when and where the story happened.
Student knows the names and descriptions of the important characters and where the story takes place.
Student knows the names OR descriptions of the important characters in the story.
Student has trouble naming and describing the characters in the story.
Thinks about the story/article
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story and tries to predict "what will happen next."
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story.
Student accurately describes most of what happened in the story.
Student has difficulty re-telling the story.
Thinks about the characters
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story and points out some pictures or words to support his interpretation without being asked.
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does not provide support for the interpretation unless asked.
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does NOT provide good support for the interpretation, even when asked
Student cannot describe how different characters might have felt at different points in the story.
Tries to understand
Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and reads parts again. Looks up words s/he doesn't know.
Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and tries to use strategies to get through the tricky spots or to figure out new words.
Stops reading when it doesn't makes sense and asks for assistance.
Gives up entirely OR plows on without trying to understand the story.
important and at least one less obvious characteristic chosen
important characteristics chosen
characteristics chosen, but not the most important
insignificant or no characteristics chosen
all similarities and differences were noted in ach comparison
85% of similarities and differences were accurate
70% accuracy
less than 70%accuracy
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Student accurately draws conclusions with 3 supporting facts from the matrix
Student draws conclusions....
Message has more than three words.
Message has two or three words.
Message has one or two words.
No message.
Alphabet is given with numbers assigned.
Alphabet with numbers assigned is not given.
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Uncoded row matrices
Uncoded row matrices are given and are correct.
Uncoded row matrices are given but one or more is not correct.
Uncoded row matrices are not given.
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2x2 coding matrix
2x2 coding matrix is given and four different numbers (including at least one negative number) are used.
2x2 coding matrix is given and four different numbers are used, but no negative numbers were used.
2x2 coding matrix is given but some numbers repeat.
2x2 coding matrix is not given.
Coded row matrices
Coded row matrices are given and are correct.
Coded row matrices are given but one or more is not correct.
Coded row matrices are not given.
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Coded message
Message is given as numbers separated by commas.
Message is not given as numbers separated by commas.
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Student name is on all papers.
Student name is not on one or more papers.
Student name is missing from all papers.
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Due date
Project is handed in on due date.
Project is one day late.
Project is not turned in.